Finding your way after divorce. It's a journey of discovering yourself, finding support, closing the door and moving forward Learning to reimagine your dreams for happiness and abundance!


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Reimagine Your Dreams

No one ever enters in to marriage thinking it will end in divorce. In fact, most of us think that will never be me, we love each other, we can work through anything. Life has a way of taking us on a journey of bumps and bruises and inexplicable roads that never could have been imagined. And...on that dusty path somehow we get off course, make mistakes, give up pieces of ourselves and eventually find ourselves lost in what is called life.  Until one day the unthinkable happens; that one person who you thought would always protect you from the storm becomes the storm itself. Perhaps you saw it coming, or maybe your were sucker punched in the gut gasping for breath just to survive the moment. Maybe you were the one who made the choice to walk matter, divorce is hard. It leave you traumatized and scrambling to figure out who you are without your other half for better or for worse.

This blog, I have created, yes selfishly, to heal my own wounds, as I travel the road to finding myself after twenty eight years of marriage and having raised three adult children, but also as a place to share tips, stories, and provide support to the millions of people who have unexpectedly found themselves on this all too crowded road to recovery.  My goal is to find a life of abundance and happiness beyond my wildest dream, and I hope you do too!